Android Security Documentation


Welcome to the Android Security documentation page. Android Security provides an additional level of security features to Android applications and games made in Unity. It's goal is to prevent someone from re-compiling your APK with modified code, or at least make it more difficult for them.

Getting Started


Storing The Application Signature

After importing the package, navigate to the AndroidSecurity/Resources folder and select the AndroidSecuritySettings asset. If it hasn't imported the signature already, press the "Reimport Signature" button. If successful, the inspector will display the successful import message. If not, a detailed description of the error will be displayed.

Asset Settings

Using Android Security

The asset has three available methods for ensuring your android application has not been tampered with after you've published it. The main class AndroidSecurity resides in the FSG namespace.


//Returns true/false if the application signature doesn't match the one stored in the asset.
bool FSG.AndroidSecurity.IsAppSignatureValid(out string signature);
// Example
string signature = string.Empty;
if (FSG.AndroidSecurity.IsAppSignatureValid(out signature) == false)
	Debug.LogErrorFormat("Bad application signature: {0}", signature);


// Returns true/false if the application is currently running in debug mode.
bool FSG.AndroidSecurity.IsDebuggable();
// Example
if (FSG.AndroidSecurity.IsDebuggable())
	Debug.LogError("Application is running in debug mode when it shouldn't be!");


// Returns true/false if the application was installed from the Google Play store.
bool FSG.AndroidSecurity.VerifyGooglePlayInstaller();
// Example
if (FSG.AndroidSecurity.VerifyGooglePlayInstaller() == false)
	Debug.LogError("Application was not installed from the Google Play store!");

If you have any questions or issues please email me at and thanks for your support!